Cleopatra was most known for her reign of Egypt has Queen, her scandalous love affairs, and her ahead of the time beauty routines. Cleopatra took milk baths daily to preserve her beauty and youth, but milk has more benefits than just those. Not to sound like a Bio teacher, but milk contains Lacitic acid which has amazing anti-aging properties, exfoliates skin, rebuilds collagen, and acts like as an astringent to sensitive skin. Who would have known something that you eat your cereal with, could make you look younger too! As for the other key ingredient, honey, it locks in moisture, and is anti-bacterial. Now with the essential oils, it is completely up to you for what you want to add. Cleopatra was said to use rose oil and jasmine oil, but there are more affordable essential oils for like lavender (to relax) and orange (to energize). Dozens of recipes are floating aroun on the internet, so find the best one for you!

I am going to make a fresh milk bath, meaning I can't save any leftovers because it will spoil. There are recipes using powdered milk, that way you can make a bigger batch and save it in a mason jar. I have more then enough bath powders, so that's why I decided to make a fresh batch. That and the fact that there's not anymore room in my bathroom cubby for anymore stuff.

All the ingredients I bought from Target, and was about $10 all together. Besides the whole milk, e drugging else can be saved for another bath. I added rose petals leftover from Valentine's Day for a bit of luxury, but it's completely optional. I added the mixture to running water, and soaked in it for a half hour. My alligator skin is gone, and I'm left with silky, soft skin!

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